Saturday, January 30, 2010


This was my first experience being introduced to Podcast. When I first started looking at the information provided I didn't know what purposes and how this could be integrated in the classroom. However, after listening to several of the experts on the video and going through the process myself, I realized this tool is a beneficial that teachers can benefit from and use in the classroom.

I like the ability of the computer doing all the work and downloading the information to the computer. The process of watching the video is easy. The part that was a little irritating was the downloading. I made a video on my computer and then tried to upload it to Podcast and it said that my file was too large. So I can see some problems with using this for educational purposes because the information size will have to be limited. Other than some minor problems with the system running slow this is a fairly easy type of technology to use.

The idea for my Podcast was to use it as "Community Events" information for students. Students can watch weekly videos I make on local events that are happening in their community. I found events that are low cost or free. There are some many kids who need stuff to do to stay off the street. So I figured if I found a "cool" way for my class to have access to find out "What's going on" it may save some of them from doing the wrong thing. This way they have no excuse for hanging out in the streets on the weekend. With my field being in Secondary English and I will be teaching the older students, a Podcast would be a great tool for me to use in my classroom.

1 comment:

  1. Shavaughn, I know what you mean when you say you like how it does everything for you. I also get it when it gets fuzzy and you get in that moment of "what just happened" lol I like that you are giving your students a listing of things they can do. It's like education advertising!
